• South London’s newest fitness studio, F45 Clapham Junction, opened early 2023. Designed by Manuel Urbina Studio. Works included the conversion of three commercial units into one within the ground floor of a new build mixed development. The design could then be installed in line with expected F45 Head Office requirements for the space, branding and finishes for the business. In addition to we also carried out full planning permission for alterations to the previously approved scheme to allow for a new shopfront design and advertisement consent to the council providing a full drawing package.

    F45 Training is one of the fastest-growing fitness franchises in the world with the first opening in Australia in 2011. The F stands for ‘functional’ and the 45 is the amount of time you spend training in a session. The franchise offers a mix of circuit and HIIT style workouts geared towards everyday movements.

  • Location: London, UK
    Type: Commercial
    Area: 218sqm
    Status: Completed 2023

    Team: Manuel Urbina
    Client: Julija German - F45 Franchise
    Photography: Rayan Bamhayan

F45 Clapham Junction, London


UN1T Nine Elms, London


F45 Finsbury Park, London